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3D Gaussian splatting is a technique used in computer graphics for rendering, particularly in volume rendering scenarios. The process involves distributing data (e.g., color or density) from discrete points onto a continuous domain using Gaussian kernels. This technique can be used for smoothing and interpolating data. Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up 3D Gaussian Splatting:

  1. Understanding the Basics:

    • Familiarize yourself with Gaussian functions and their properties.
    • Understand the basics of volume rendering and the concept of splatting.
  2. Environment Setup:

    • Install necessary software such as a programming environment (e.g., Python, MATLAB) and libraries (e.g., VTK, OpenGL).
  3. Data Preparation:

    • Obtain or generate the data you want to render. This could be medical imaging data, simulation data, or any other kind of 3D data.
    • Preprocess your data if necessary, e.g., converting it to the correct format or rescaling it.
  4. Implementation:

    • Write a function to compute the Gaussian kernel. The Gaussian kernel will be used to distribute the data values onto the grid.
    • Implement the splatting algorithm. This involves iterating through each data point, computing the Gaussian kernel for that point, and adding the result to a 3D grid.
    • You may need to handle edge cases, like when a data point is close to the boundary of the grid.
  5. Optimization (Optional):

    • Optimize your implementation for performance. This might involve using more efficient data structures or parallelizing the algorithm.
  6. Visualization:

    • Implement or use existing visualization tools to display the results of your splatting algorithm.
    • Adjust parameters such as the width of the Gaussian kernel or the resolution of the grid to get the desired visual effects.
  7. Testing and Debugging:

    • Test your implementation on different datasets to ensure it's working correctly.
    • Debug and refine your implementation to fix any issues that arise.
  8. Documentation and Sharing:

    • Document your code and the steps involved in your implementation.
    • Share your implementation with others, e.g., on GitHub, and seek feedback to improve your work.
  9. Continuous Learning:

    • Read papers, attend workshops, or engage in online communities to learn about advancements in volume rendering and splatting techniques.
    • Experiment with different variations of the splatting algorithm to improve your understanding and skills.

Throughout this process, referring to existing implementations, reading relevant literature, and seeking guidance from experts in the field can be extremely beneficial.

Course Outline
  • What is Photoshop and what can you do with it?
  • Overview of the Photoshop interface and workspace
  • Explanation of key terms and concepts, such as layers, masks, and filters
  • Building elements for use has links in illustrator
  • Elements for Aftereffects
  • Elements for Premiere Pro
There will be testing at the end of each session.

This is the age of video. We’ve all witnessed the meteoric rise of YouTube, lapped up viral videos like David After Dentist, and obsessively replayed Susan Boyle’s audition for Britain’s Got Talent, fighting back the tears every time.

With its captivating combination of moving image and sound, video has the power to arrest the wandering eye, trigger real emotions, linger in our minds, and convey a strong message in an instant.

This is what makes video the medium of choice for the ‘NOW’ generation, which has become accustomed to information on demand, with minimum effort. These are also the qualities that make video an indispensable marketing tool for any business, from the entrepreneur to the multinational corporation.

But let’s face it, as powerful as videos can be, you can’t just cobble together a few fun or interesting corporate clips, post your creation on Facebook, and expect it to spin gold for your business. Successful videos begin with a sound video marketing strategy. If you have no idea what I mean by that, let’s take a deeper look.

This course will teach you the basics of Windows 10. Advancing your proficiency in using Windows 10 by learning shortcuts and tools you may of never known about.

At the end of the Course you will be awarded a badge for completion and a badge for getting 90%+.

This is a required course for Employment.